Why learning Thai while in Thailand is a great idea.
1. Learning the language allows you to learn more about culture and customs.
2. In business speaking some Thai opens up many more opportunities than if you don’t.
3. Speaking Thai is a great way to interact and meet new people
4. Try a ride in a Taxi where the driver does not speak any English ………. You will then want to learn Thai
5. If you cannot negotiate in spoken Thai, a visit to open markets will almost mean you pay more than you should
6. Without knowing Thai, discussions with Maids, Drivers and outside contractors and services is a frustration
7. Thai people will respect you more when you make an effort to learn their language
8. If you drive a car in Thailand, speaking some Thai is important especially if you have a problem with the Police
9. It is one of life’s pleasures to be able to order in correctly spoken Thai from the Thai Menu.
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